Sunday, December 18, 2022

Reflection for Monday 19 December 2022: 1st Reading Judges 13:2-7, 24-25a, Gospel LK 1:5-25


The readings of today presents pious couples through whom we can say that God is in the process of preparing people for himself. From these couples we have Samson and John the Baptist who were really dedicated to the service of God. Both of them were consecrated to God and filled with the Holy Spirit and have brought many people to the true worship of God.

Moreover, in the gospel as we have heard, the angel’s appearance to Zechariah reminds the reader of the appearance of an angel to the mother of Samson in Judges 13. She was also barren when an angel of the Lord (Yahweh) appeared to her and told her she would conceive and give birth to a son. This son should be dedicated to the Lord, and even while he was in the womb his mother should drink no wine or fermented liquor.

The same scenario is found with Abraham where an angel of Yahweh promises that his baren wife Sarah would bear him Isaac (Gen 18). The purpose of these stories is not merely to relate miraculous happenings. First, it is to underline that God furthers the history of his own people with tireless watchfulness, sending his own Spirit on his chosen leaders. Secondly, God does not rely on human ability, skills or achievements, but chooses the most unlikely person to his envoy and further his purposes.

In a special way, the readings give us the glimpse of consecrated life, the life we are embracing now. It is a life involving living a virtuous life, purity in holiness and the crown of the royal priesthood (cf. 2 Kings 11:12).  That is why in the Old Testament context we speak of Nazirite who is devoted to God. According to the customs of the Old Testament, Nazirite persons vow part of their lives, or their entire lives to God (cf. Numb 6:1-21).  We need to be like Samson who was not only consecrated for a certain period of his life, but he was consecrated all his life. Now let us continue asking God to be with us in our vocation journey as Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Zephrine Superius

III Year Theology


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