Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Reflection for Tuesday 20, December 2022; Is.7:10-14, Ps.24:1-6, Lk.1:26-38


Lord, let your will be done!

As we continue to await the nativity of Christ, there is no doubt that we have already passed through a lot of experiences in life. Some of them might have been great experiences that we wish could repeat themselves, yet some might have made us to doubt God and perhaps ask for some signs. St. Claret himself at one point could say, “Humanly speaking, I see no hope, but you have the power to make it happen, if you will” (Aut.40). In his desire to dedicate himself day and night to the Lord as a priest, he at one-point lost hope. He however kept his confidence and trust in the Lord.

Today’s first reading (Is.7:10-14) is someone interesting. God himself asks the Prophet Ahaz to ask for a sign. The prophet confirms his confidence and trust in the Lord by not asking for a sign. He however prophesizes the coming of the Emmanuel. He foretells the great mystery of the incarnation where the God-man comes to be with us, hence Emmanuel, God with us.

Our response to the Psalmist (Ps.24:1-6) “Let the Lord enter, he is the King of Glory”, echoes John the Baptist’s cry, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight” (Lk.3:4) thereby reminding us to make our hearts pure for the Lord.

In that regard, our Gospel text presents us with a Lady who was so noble and pure to the point that the Lord found her worthy to be the one to bring the promised Emmanuel to us. The annunciation account invites us today to be ready for the service of the Lord. Perplexed by angel Gabriel’s greeting, Mary finds confidence when she is told her cousin Elizabeth has been saved from the shame of barrenness and is with Child. This is the sign given to her by the Lord.

Brethren, as we await the nativity of the Lord, we are invited to be well disposed to receive the Lord. No matter the situation, trouble and confusion that you are currently facing, we are invited to humbly and obediently say like Mary,” Let it be with me according to your Word” (Lk.1:38). As we approach Christmas, let us with great faith accept God’s plan and will as Mary, our model did.

Akwiri Harrison

II Year Theology


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