Saturday, April 1, 2023

7 Minute Homily for PALM SUNDAY


First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-7

Second Reading: Philippians 2:6-11 

Gospel: Matthew 26:14-27:66

No pain, No palm, No thorns, No throne, No gall, No Glory, No cross, No crown 

-William Pen

It is a great day today in our Mother Church as we mark the day of the triumphal entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. This day is also known as Passion Sunday because the Church begins this day to make the sufferings of our Lord a chief thought. The Church’s liturgy today begins to be a sombre and sorrowful mood for the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Two brothers lived together in the same apartment. The elder brother was an honest, hard-working and God-fearing man and the younger a dishonest, the young man never paid any attention to the advice of his brother. One night the junior brother runs into the house with smoking gun and blood-stained clothes. “I killed a man, I did not mean to kill him, I don’t want to die.”  The senior brother had an idea. He exchanged his clothes with the blood-stained clothes of his killer brother. The police arrested him and sentenced him to death and his junior brother lived. This is a crime story of love. Jesus gave up his life for us although he was not a criminal. A brother felt pity for his brother and surrendered himself to the police in place of his brother. Similarly, the story of the suffering and death of Jesus which we heard in the Passion is a story of love that is God’s love for us.

Our liturgy of the Word today is comprised of two gospel readings of which the first gospel gives us the account of the triumphal entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem (Mt 21:1-11). Jesus is welcomed with Palms and songs as a fulfilment of the prophecy of Zecharia in 9:9. Prophet Isaiah is giving us a prophecy for the chosen servant the Messiah who accepts his suffering and death which is the price of fidelity to God. The gospel of Mathew which is the second gospel of today is giving us an account of the passion of Jesus from passion up to his death. We hear about the institution of the Holy Eucharist, events of sufferings he endured, death and resurrection.

We have heard the human suffering and torture which can correspond to the barbaric torture of our own time. Most of the time we feel and look like failures because of the pain and isolation from family, friends and relatives. Jesus himself was abandoned by his close disciple ‘Peter’ then how do we feel if our loved ones abandon us? Our friendship nowadays is defined by situations and circumstances rather it should be flourishing in the pain and joys of the day. God is telling us today that despite sufferings and pains there is a certainty of victory in Jesus. Jesus was received in Jerusalem with shouts of joy and Palms but the same voices shout again “crucify him” at the time of his trial.

I repeat the quote of William Pen “No pain, No palm, No thorns, No throne, No gall, No Glory, No cross, No crown”. These words summarize what we are celebrating today and give us a picture of what is going to come which is his death and resurrection given our salvation. Palm Sunday is a pure reflection on the final week of Jesus’ life. This is the Holy Week which is opened by this grant celebration. Let us be people of peace which is symbolized by Jesus riding the colt, Jesus emptied himself to a servant as St Paul says to the Philippians 2:6:7. St Augustine of Hippo once said, “God had one son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering…”

Austin Sayira

III Year Theology


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