Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Reflection for Wednesday, April 5, 2023

First Reading: Is: 50:4-9 

Gospel:  Mt: 26:14-25

From the Medieval period, the Wednesday of the Holy week, just before the Tridium is named a Spy Wednesday. This is because it is a day on which Judas betrayed Jesus Christ to the Sanhedrin. He did this act by forfeiting his master at the expense of the thirty pieces of silver, an amount of money which was not of benefit to him.

Today, the Mother church invites us to:

1. Introspect on the occasions we have betrayed one another.

2. Introspect on the occasions when we betrayed our Lord Jesus Christ.

There is a Swahili proverb which goes, "Kikulacho ki nguoni mwako."  This can be literally translated as whatever devours you is always within you since it knows you better, in and out. At rare occasions do we see our enemies betray or deny us. In the Gospel scene, the apostles did not expect anyone from among themselves would betray their master. They are seen to be lacking peace and are doubtful about who would betray their master. They start questioning each other over who is the one who will betray their master. The apostles never knew that it would be one from their own and thus they thought it would be someone from not within.

Jesus knew very well who was going to betray him and despite all these, he never terminated the plan of Judas but he chose to remain calm and peaceful for the will of the Father to happen. Surely each one of us have at least experienced such an act of betrayal and we have seen how painful it is. The suffering servant whom we hear of from the first reading which is the third servant song should be our model whenever we are in any suffering or affliction. The suffering servant calls out on the name of the Lord more than three times. Despite all the experiences of violent opposition, the suffering servant who is equated to be Jesus trusts in God and triumphs over all the miseries. This servant encourages each one of us. He has suffered and been shamed but demonstrates confidence in the Lord, confidence of vindication.

Therefore, let us pray for each other especially those who are suffering that they may trust and depend on God always.

Maina Elias Wanyonyi

II Year Theology


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