Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Reflection for Tuesday, 11 April 2023

 First Reading: ACTS 2:36-41

Gospel:  Jn 20:11-18

 “The Joyous Message of the Risen Lord: ‘I have seen the Lord’, (Jn 20:18)”

    In a war, when the two groups of army are fighting and one of the leaders of these groups die, the rest of the army which lost the battle, they surrender themselves. Because their leader, the strongest of the group has died. But for the winners, they rejoice and keep the spirit of fighting, and even those who were just hiding themselves, they will come out cheering.

     Dear brothers, it is almost the same thing that happened to the disciples. Thus, in Jn 20:19 we read that “… the doors were locked where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews…”. perhaps they feared the Jews by seeing what they have done with Jesus their master. Because even we hear from the Passion Narrative of Jesus that those disciples who followed Jesus to his sentence some were identified as his disciples, like Peter. And all these may influence the disciples to fear the Jews.

     On the one hand, in today’s First Reading, (Acts 2:36-41), we see the continuation of Peter’s Kerygmatic Speech of yesterday’s First Reading, where he is moved by the power of the Holy Spirit and encouraged by the Resurrection of the Lord, speaks with authority to the Jews, reminding them that Jesus the Messiah who performed mighty deeds, wonders and signs in your midst and whom you crucified, God raised him up from the dead. And after all he calls them to repentance from their sins and to be baptized in Jesus’ name.

     In the Jews society, women did not have important role or she was untrustworthy. But however, in today’s Holy Gospel, (Jn 20:11-18), Jesus exalts women through Mary Magdalene by giving her an important task of announcing this Resurrection to the Disciples by telling that she has seen the Lord, (Jn 20:18).

Pope Francis in his Post-Synodal Exhortation “Christus Vivit” (Christ is Alive) says: “Christ is alive! He is our hope. And everything he touches becomes young, new and full of life. Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive as well”. Therefore, we need to be touched be the Risen Christ so that we may be full of life and be alive with him by announcing the message this joy, like Peter and Mary Magdalene who proclaimed joyfully the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Dear friends, we are called, to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus through words and deeds, and we should be the messengers and light of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ wherever we go and to spread its flames of love to whomever we encounter in our life.

Antonio Lohoca Nungulu

II Year Theology


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