Saturday, April 8, 2023

7 Minute Homily for Easter Sunday

1st Reading: Acts10:34,37-43 

2nd Reading: Col 3:1-4

Gospel:  Mt 28:1-10

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it (Ps 118:24).

 We have been journeying with Jesus for forty days. Now we have a reason to celebrate this day with conviction. It is in this Easter where we find the climax of our faith. Imagine if there could be no Easter what could happen to our faith we profess! St. Paul makes it clear that without resurrection, the Christian faith is futile (1 Cor 15:17).

 The Egyptian pyramids are world-famous as one of the “seven Wonders” of the ancient world. But they are actually gigantic tombs containing the mummified bodies of Egyptian Pharaohs. Westminster Abbey is famous, and thousands visit it, because the dead bodies of famous writers, philosophers, and politicians are entombed there. But there is a Shrine of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, and pilgrims from all over the world visit a tomb there which is empty with a note at its entrance which says, “He is not here.” It is famous because Jesus Christ, Who was once buried there, rose from the dead, leaving an empty tomb, as He had told his disciples he would. Thus, Jesus worked the most important miracle in His life, defying the laws of nature and proving that He is God.  We rejoice at this great and unique event by celebrating Easter. (Fr. J P) (

 Early in the morning on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and others went to see the tomb. Upon reaching they were surprized and the angel told them, “Do not be afraid, I know whom you are searching. He is not here he has risen. Go and tell his disciples of what you have seen. He is going before you to Galilee.” What joy they had after hearing the message? You and I what joy do we get as we celebrate this day? What do we experience on this day? Do we go and share our experience of the resurrection with others like Mary Magdalene did?

 Friends, Jesus’ empty tomb was not the product of legendary development but the testimony of the eyewitnesses. Be careful with false teachings against the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Without much theology one can understand that resurrection simply means someone died, was buried, and came back to life. From this understanding what does it signify to our Christian life?

 The emptiness of the tomb and the appearance of Jesus have a great significance. Imagine if the tomb was found empty, but there were no appearances of Jesus. Probably, the emptiness of the tomb would have no meaning. The emptiness of the tomb and the appearance of Jesus is the proof that our God is God of the living and he is a living God (cf. 1 Cor 15:20-26). Thus, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a true reality. We need to be aware that if the resurrection of Christ is not a reality, then we have no assurance that God is the living God and what we profess in the Creed is meaningless!

 Today’s message is the message of joy. That is why we need to rejoice and be glad. There is joy and gladness on this day because Jesus’ resurrection is not just a personal victory over death but leads to a violent confrontation with Satan that liberates us from evil. Jesus’ win over death is an assurance for us to win evil, sicknesses, difficulties in our daily life. We should approach trials and temptations with the faith that we shall rise again and be strong. It is in the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus that our life is renewed both physically and spiritually. It is through paschal mystery that we have hope of life after death, evil powers have been conquered. Thus, all things are under his feet (1 Cor 15:26).  Moreover, resurrection is a way to describe the continuing life of the Church after the death of its founder. Let us run to Jesus with confidence and entrust everything to Him because he is the way, truth and the life (Jn 14:6).


Zephrine Superius,

III Year Theology


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