Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Reflection for 21st Tuesday 2023

 First Reading: Ezekiel 47:1-9,12

Gospel: Jn 5:1-16

God’s action of Recreation

A seminarian went to his formator and informed him that there was a poor woman at the gate who wanted some financial help. The formator in return asked the seminarian, how much he had given her. Nothing at all, replied the seminarian. The seminarian like many of us think that helping is for those with more and are in higher positions. This makes us remain indifferent to the needy and thus, we are an able to recreate them to the joys they miss.

When Jesus was in Jerusalem at the feast of the Jews, he caught sight of the crippled man who was ill for 38years.  He (Jesus) meets his need, saying, Get up! Pick up your mat and walk (Jn. 5:8). And the man did just that! (Jn 5:9). Thus, Jesus recreates the crippled man into a new person. He brings the missing Joy and happiness in the life of this man.

In the first reading, God recreates the land and the people of Israel. Ezekiel receives the prophetic vision and in it, God reveals his recreating power. The Glory of God had deserted the temple and land of Israel (Ezek 8:1ff) due to the sinfulness of the people. Ezekiel sees the flowing river and the source of the water was the altar in the temple; the very presence of God (Ezek 47:2). The flowing river recreates, cleanses, heals and gives life to the land, the dead sea and the people of Israel (Ezek 47:7).

We are thus invited today to participate in God’s act of recreation. And we can make this possible through touching the hearts of those in need by our action of love and mercy. When we help the needy,  give hope to the hopeless, or become a reason for other to live by making their  life better, we participate in God’s act of recreation. Let us pray that God may always open our eyes to recognise those who suffer so that we may be able to help them and thus recreate them in their lives. 

 Vicent Abigaba

IV Year Theology Student



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