Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Reflection for 22nd March 2023

First Reading: Is 49: 8-15

Gospel Reading: Jn 5:17-30

During the first Exodus Journey, the Israelites faced hunger and thirst. The first reading of today presents to us a kind of a second Exodus journey where the Lord promises a glorious return of the exiles from Babylon. This journey shall be without hunger and thirst. The Lord reveals his Compassion, love and concern for his people. Jesus continues to show the mercy and compassion of God through doing good works even on the Sabbath. The Old Law which was given by Moses prohibited Servile work on the Sabbath. It was a day of rest and worship of God. Moses before he ended his leadership, promised that God would raise a prophet like him among the Israelites and perhaps Jesus is the prophet that Moses foretold. Jesus then is the new Moses. He is the founder of the new Law. Jesus re-interprets the law for us and we have to follow the new teaching as given by Jesus.

Jesus’ attitude of continuing to do good works on the Sabbath is a sign that he is displeased with the way the pharisees handled the Sabbath law and Jesus slowly shifts our focus to the first day of the week and not the Sabbath. The first day of the Week will not only be a day of worshipping God but a day to do good works and humble service. Sunday is not a day to commit scandals, thus, alongside worshipping God on Sunday, we ought to visit the sick, poor, prisoners, elderly and the abandoned. Jesus is teaching us never to grow tired of doing works of mercy and compassion.

May this Lenten season be a period of learning to do good through Alms giving, prayer especially praying for the deceased and those who have no one to pray for them and self-denial.

Landus Bwambale

IV Year Theology


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