Monday, March 13, 2023

Reflection for 14th March 2023: Dan 3;25;34-43, Gospel: Mt 18:21-35


Forgiveness as means of experiencing God’s Mercy

FORGIVENESS is difficult, and the Gospel today reminds us that we will only receive forgiveness if we forgive others. Jesus encourages us to forgive as many as seventy-seven times, which is unlimited because our Father does not limit the number of times, He forgives us. We are invited to forgive at all times whomever seeks forgiveness from us.

The parable of the ungrateful servant is a reminder to remember God's love and mercy, as He has forgiven us all our sins and reached out to us despite our disobedience and temptations. Each of us have received such great grace and good things from God, just like the master had shown pity on his servant, forgiving him a massive sum of debt. We need to ask ourselves if we have held grudge or hatred against one another and

refused to forgive others for their faults and sins.

The Lord's prayer states that we must forgive others first and be kind, compassionate, merciful and forgiving before we expect to be forgiven by God. This is because if we continue to hate each other, it is likely that we will continue to sin. If we have not learnt to forgive like God had forgiven us and loved us, then how can we gain true forgiveness and reconciliation with Him?

We all have flaws because we live with one another as missionaries. We frequently make each other wrong. We are invited by our constitution's article 41 to acknowledge our faults and beg forgiveness from our brothers. We are obligated to show one another love. We can demonstrate this love by forgiving one another. "He who much is forgiven, loves More." Lk. 7:47.

Let us love one another, let us forgive each other. God bless you all.

Nelson Shirima

IV Year Theology


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