Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Reflection for 14th December 2022; FIRST READING: ISAIAH 45:6-8, 18, GOSPEL: LUKE 7:19-23


Today the prophet Isaiah reminds us of the totality of creation based on our prospect of faith. The creative act of God manifests the beauty of his will toward humanity. His wonderful creation gives an objective continuity of carrying the responsibility of taking care of his creation. Psalms 8:4, “when I see your heavens, the works of your fingers”. Mighty deeds of God go beyond comparison, for he is the only fashioner of the earth and all that belongs to it. Our faith based on the ‘practical responsibility’, brings the sensibility of what we profess in the creed during the baptism and on the solemn celebration on the day of the lord. We firmly acknowledge the superiority of God over his creatures, “maker of heaven and earth” (CCC. NO.325). this form of continuity calls our attention to serve God by taking care of his creation diligently. Pope Francis takes the same call to humanity to conserve and preserve mother earth, bearing in mind how important is the creation of God. This responsibility for God’s creation means that human beings endowed with intelligence, must respect the law of nature and maintain the equilibria that exist between the creatures (Laudato Si, No.68.) We are living in the perspective of distortions and destructions; humanity no longer values the goodness and creative ascent of God. Currently, we are facing a long-term crisis on the earth; that is climate change which has a severe effect on both the terrestrial and celestial of mother earth. Rise in temperatures, droughts shortage of food, the distinction of different species of animals, and other defects in the long run of different environments. We take care of God’s creation for the common good.

GOSPEL: LUKE 7:19-23

The expectation of the messiah becomes a different notation from the gospel of today (Lk 7:19-23). Here comes the question from the disciples of John, are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else? This brings an introspective question that needs self-analysis in this season of advent. In our own context, we expect a messiah who will reunite our relationship with God and fellow humanity, bring our uncertainty of life to the prospect of hope, and open our blind conscience hence, to realize our moral defect. We pray through saint John of the cross whom we commemorate his life today to enhance our spiritual growth in this season of advent, to make a step of newness in faith as we look forward in celebrating the mystery of God who became man.

Victor Ohiambo

II Year Theology         


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