Thursday, November 10, 2022

Reflection for Friday 11, November 2022, 1st Reading: 2Jn 1:4-9; Gospel: Lk 17:26-37.

 The gospel tells us that we do not know when will God come to us or simply, we do not know when is the end of time or when are we going to die. We should always live our life to the fullest. The material possessions will not go with us when we die, but happiness will be always with us up to heaven. Happiness and contentment are the most significant things to keep in life. Having faith in God is a must because He is our savior and creator. He is the only one who knows the best for us.

These verses depict the second advent of our Lord Jesus Christ. A great event in which things are seen immediately happening. There is a fearful image given by the Lord. We are told that as it was in the "days of Noah and Lot", so shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed." In those days, men were entirely taken up with worldly things, enjoying themselves. The flood came at last in Noah's day and drowned all except those who were in the ark. The fire fell from heaven at last in Lot's days and destroyed all except Lot and his family.

In the day of Christ’s coming, wickedness and worldliness will prevail in the world. There will be many unbelievers and unconverted but few believers and the godly. We must escape for our lives like Lot and flee to the ark like Noah. This alone is our safety.

Let us serve Christ for His own sake and we should never rest until we have the true grace of God in our hearts, with no desire to look back to the world. The day of Christ's second coming, the good and the evil, converted and unconverted, shall be divided into two distinct bodies. The visible Church shall no longer be a mixed body. The wheat and the tares shall no longer grow side by side. The good fish and the bad shall be separated. The angels shall come forth, and gather together the godly, that they may be rewarded; and leave the wicked behind to be punished. The Lord calls us for Vigilance as he says, "Remember Lot's wife".

Like Abraham pleading for the lives of the righteous people living in Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 18:16-33; St. Martin, a man of peace, a soldier and Bishop, pleaded for those who were to face death penalty. He did it out love as it said in the first reading. St. Martin remained firm in the Lord and obtained his great reward. Friends, where do we belong? Are we from the time of Noah or the time of Lot? It is the better moment to introspect ourselves and find out. J. Nedumaan said, “No Virus will warn you and no antivirus will damage you”. Brothers, remember that Prevention is better than Cure.

Desire Bushiri

IV Year Theology


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