Sunday, November 27, 2022

Reflections for Monday, 28 November 2022; 1st Reading: Isa 4:2-6; Gospel: Mt 8:5-11


We are at the beginning of the liturgical year, and we have begun the season of advent where we are preparing ourselves for the nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we start this season, today the first reading from prophet Isaiah is full of hope and saint Luke the evangelist presents to us a centurion whose character have to be pondered. See the words of the Centurion “I am not worthy ….”  We utter these words every time we participate in the Eucharist. The question remains between you and me; do we really mean it? If yes thanks be to God.

Friends, let us remind ourselves who is a centurion. The centurion is not an ordinary soldier, but he is an officer of the imperial army. He is a man with power and status at the same time he was very concerned of his servant that he went to Jesus with faith and asked for his servant healing. Considering his stature, the centurion could have simply sent some of his subordinates to Jesus. But he went personally to Jesus. Imagine a man of this status begging a favour from Jesus and declares himself unworthy even to welcome Jesus in his house. What kind of faith did this man had on Jesus that even Jesus was amazed. Probably, what touched Jesus was not only this faith of the man but also his love for his servant. This is the mission which Jesus wants us to continue with, that is, to cut through all the barriers of rank and race through love and faith.

 What can be said here is that the centurion had a profound awareness of his unworthiness. My dear brothers at times we pray as if we merit God’s favour but before reaching this stage, like the centurion, we need to recognize our unworthiness, approaching Jesus with faith and humility without forgetting that love to one another is a command (Jn 13:34). As we continue to prepare for Christ’s coming during the Advent season, let us make these words of the centurion our own. Let this man become our inspiration and our modal of prayer because the world is experiencing difficulties in matters of faith and love to each other.

 Zephrine Superius

III Year Theology


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