Monday, November 7, 2022

Reflection for Monday 7th November 2022, 1st Reading: Tit 1:1-9, Gospel: Lk 17:1-6

In one day, a person can pray our father in a number of times. In our situation, as religious, it is normally more than three times, considering the morning prayer, evening prayer and in the eucharistic celebration. Do we live what we pray? In the fifth petition of Our Father we pray that our sins be forgiven as we forgive those who trespass against us. The outpouring of God’s mercy cannot penetrate our hearts as long as we have not forgiven those who have trespassed against us (cf. I John 4:20). It is “in the depths of the heart,” that everything is bound and loosed, where forgiveness is actualized (CCC 2843).

Forgiveness is a high point of Christian prayer (CCC 2844). From the Gospel passage of today Jesus teaches us that there is no limit or measure to this essentially divine forgiveness. To forgive seven times (Lk 17:4) is a symbolic way of saying every time. Such is an attitude that an offended or scandalized follower of Jesus needs to have. To correct a brother who is a stumbling block for others is an act of love. Whenever there is a false tolerance, the disciples can keep moving but, in a way ward path. Today, Jesus encourages his followers to correct and forgive one another whenever one is offended. This teaching on forgiveness remains one of the cornerstones of our Christian faith.

As Paul writes to Titus, he enumerates a number of qualities required of a presbyter. (Author of Pastorals equates presbyters and Episcopoi =Overseers) (cf. Wild, R. A.: The Pastoral Letters). There are qualities such as moderate, just, devoted and self-controlled (Titus 1:8). As religious we are the “leaders by example” in matters to do with our faith. We expect these qualities from whoever that takes leading roles in our faith such as priests and religious, but at times we find the opposite.  In this way, we become the stumbling blocks to the people of God. In such a situation the Gospel has given us the way forward, we need to avoid false tolerance “If your brother sins, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him” we have to correct and forgive one another. Even more, whenever we realize that we have been a stumbling block for others we need the humility to ask for forgiveness with hope that we will be forgiven as we do forgive others.

O Lord, open our hearts so that we may forgive one another. Give us the necessary graces to overcome stumbling blocks that we face in our Christian faith. May we be quick to regret our offenses whenever we have become a stumbling block.

Aristede S. Amani.

IV Year Theology Student


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