Monday, November 14, 2022

Reflection for Monday,14th November 2022, 1st Reading: Rev 1:1-4;2:1-5; Gospel: Lk 18:35-43


Today we are presented with the character of a blind man who deep within his life needed the divine attention from Jesus.

This man was rebuked but he never gave up he kept on shouting at the top of his voice so that Jesus could hear him.

 Similarly, the world today is filled with a lot of blindness. This blindness could be physical or spiritual. It can be in form of faith which affects our relationship with God, it could be a friend in the society or in our community, it could be from our families back at home. Each of us is blind in his own way. In other words, I mean things which make our spiritual and physical life very difficult for us.

All these types of blindness can hinder us from doing our responsibilities, whenever we try to come out, we are rebuked by the society or by our blindness which we can call weaknesses. Today our take home messages from today’s reading are:

Persistence in prayer. However much we face difficulties and oppositions from the society or from we ourselves we should never give up on prayer. In all our difficulties and opposition, we should see Jesus instead of problem this will keep us going.

In conclusion, we should learn how to pray. Like the blind beggar he was straight forward, he knew what he wanted from Jesus. For instance, he would ask for more money from Jesus, but he didn’t, instead he asked for sight so that he can be able to see well.  We pray that the lord Jesus the revealer of God may open our spiritual eyes to see clearly and grow more in our Christian life. Amen.

James Kanakulya

IV Year Theology



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