Monday, November 28, 2022

Reflection for Tuesday, 29 November 2022 1st Reading: Is 11:1-10; Gospel: LK 10:21-24)


We began a new Liturgical Year and Season, that is (Advent), which is a time of celebrating the virtues of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace, it’s a time of watchfulness, it’s a time of mutual and self-reconciliation, it’s a time for inner preparation for the Nativity our Lord Jesus Christ, it’s a time as well to welcome in our hearts the one who comes to reveal us the Father as we heard from the Holy Gospel.

“No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him”, (cf. Lk 10:22).

Beloved brothers, there is a very practical method of Cognitive Psychology or Behaviorism which says that if you want to know what the parents of a child do without asking her, observe what she does when she is playing with other children. Because children have that tendency of imitating what their parents do and they aspire to be like their parents. For example: a child of a farmer, she may play with others in a way of cultivating something; a child of a pastor, she may play with others in a way of preaching to other or collecting “Sadaka” from other children, as well; a child of a drunker, she may play with other in imitating the drunkenness of one of her parents, and so all.

Likewise, Jesus in today’s Gospel through his Thanksgivings’ Prayer to the Father for the Revelation, presents the vertical relationship between Him and the Father, he shows that He, himself is the Revelation, Mediator and Revealer of the Father and that, He is in full and total communion with the Father. And all that we know about the Father, we know it through his Revelation. However, this thanksgiving Prayer, “I give you praise, Father, Lord of heaven and earth…” is an expression of joy, that Jesus manifests to the Father by the good performance of Missionary work of the Disciples, and that is why in (Lk 10:24) Jesus tells them: “blessed are the eyes that see what you see, because many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, but did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it”.

Today we are also reminded by this Gospel how blessed we’re for everything that we have by God’s grace in our life; we are blessed for having an opportunity to encounter the Lord in our daily life especially in the Mass and Adoration, there may be having people who do not have that chance of meeting the Lord.

On the other hand, in the First Reading, Prophet Isaiah foretells the coming of the Messiah, the Christ, who will be anointed by the wisdom and understanding of the Spirit of the Lord. The one who will judge with justice, and not by hearsay. Additionally, dear friends, the prophet announces the unity and peace that Christ will bring on earth, and that the creation will in total fraternal communion among themselves and with God, because the one who is coming will come with flames full of Unity, Love and Peace.    

In accordance with today’s Readings, we are reminded as well, dear friends, to have full and total communion with God through Jesus Christ, and we are called to reconciliation, to the true fraternal love which is the foundation of our community life towards Christ; and we pray that, God may continue to help us to recognize his Revelation in our midst and that through Jesus, we may also be light and revelation to others.

Antonio Lohoca

II Year Theology    


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