Sunday, December 18, 2022

Community Picnic

On December 9, 2022, the Martyrs of Barbastro Formation community went on a community picnic to Bagamoyo, a historic coastal town founded at the end of the 18th century, though it is an extension of a much older (8th century) Swahili settlement, Kaole. The German colonial administration chose it as the capital of German East Africa, and it became one of the most important trading ports for the Germans along the East African coast west of the Indian Ocean in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It is now the capital of the Bagamoyo District in the Pwani Region. The picnic was designed to provide ample time and space for community bonding and relaxation. As a result, it was influenced by visits to the rich variety of historic monuments ranging from slave trade to the spread of Christianity. It was also an opportunity for the community as a whole to have fun together away from home. The picnic was concluded by a holy mass celebration on the beach.


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