Sunday, January 15, 2023

Reflection for 16th January 2023 ;1st Reading: Hebrews 5:1-10, Gospel: Mark 2:18-22


“The New from the Old”

In today’s readings, we listen to the story of our salvation, which began from the prophets and fulfilled in Jesus Christ our Lord. The first reading from the letter to Hebrews reminded us the priesthood of Jesus. The priesthood of Jesus, which was traced from the Old Testament. Jesus came to fulfil high priest in which God Himself gave Him the power to be glorified. The glorification of Him, was for the purpose of our salvation.

In the Gospel of today according to Mark, we hear Jesus Christ discussing with Pharisees who asked Him about fasting. The one question would be, what makes the Pharisees ask Jesus about fasting? Pharisees were people who were Law observers and Law keepers. Hence, for them, any person who do not keep the Law would be treated as a pagan. In their mind they were thinking that Jesus is a pagan, that is a person who does not believe in God. To the surprise, Jesus Christ did not go against fasting, as a law which is known by the Pharisees, but He replied that, the wedding guests cannot fast if the bridegroom is with them, as the time will come for them to fast. I am sure the Pharisees did not understand the reply from Jesus, as they were already not understanding His nature. Jesus explains His mission in the context of new wine and old wine. The old wine being the law which was revealed to Prophets in Old Testament, and then new wine being the revelation which was to be fulfilled by Him, to fulfill the journey of our salvation. The new wine came to fulfill not to be under the old wine, which was just a preparation of our salvation. It is of very important to us as Christians to change our life, and follow Jesus Christ who is the fulfilment of our salvation. Sometimes, we fall into temptation of following other laws which do not lead us to salvation. The greatest law which we have to carry every day, is the law of Love, which Jesus came to show us. Jesus Christ was not against the law, but how we observe the laws may lead us into forgetting the greatest law which bind all laws into one. Jesus finished by saying, “the new wine is poured into fresh wineskins.” We are the new skins, today we are challenged to live as new people in following Christ.


Joseph Chingarande

I Year Theology


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