Friday, January 13, 2023

Reflection for 13th January 2023

 First Reading: 4:5-11

Gospel 2:1-12

Faith is the bloodstream and heart of the sincere prayer.   The First reading and gospel are centered on faith, as we have heard in the gospel of (Mark 2:1-12), when Jesus went back to his home in Capernaum, many people gathered and filled the house so that there was no space at the door and preached the word to them.  They brought a paralytic man carried by four men unable to enter the house, because of their strong faith that Jesus can heal the man. They opened the roof, and they carried him down. When Jesus saw their faith, he told the man child your sins are forgiven. It was their strong faith that made the man healed. Dear friends, this verse invites us to check on our faith, are we able to persevere in all problems we encounter in our lives? Are we able to put trust in God in all turf moments we go through?

The four men had to find the way of taking the paralytic man to Jesus and they found all ways possible to reach Jesus.  Sometimes we do not get what we pray for, many sick people say that they are not healed from their diseases though they pray to God.   It is not that we do not pray but we lack persistence and faith in prayers. If are persistent in prayer and we have faith and trust in God, He can hear our prayers and gives us what we need. Dear brother let us inculcate the virtue of faith, it is through faith and trust in God we shall get what we pray for.  As the four men took the initiative take the paralytic man to Jesus it is our role to pray for those who have lost trust and faith in God.  

Kiyemba Frank

I Year Theology


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