Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Reflection for 10th January 2023

1st Reading: HEB 2:5-12

GOSPEL :MARK 1:21-28

The first reading from Hebrews, gives us an opportunity to reflect on God’s mercy and grace in our lives. God made Christ lower than the angels so that we can attain eternal salvation. In fact, all things are subjected to Christ, but we are not able to see his presence in our lives. The one who is crowned with glory and honor suffered death so that you and I can be saved. Indeed, the mercy of God and grace overcome the power of death. We acknowledge that Christ has received power to overcome any kind of Death. It is by God’s mercy and graces we are now united with Christ who is our elder brother; Therefore, we are not ashamed to be called the brothers of Christ. In line with the first reading, let us introspect ourselves by reflecting the following questions: Are we real brothers of Christ? Are we co-operating with God’s grace to overcome death which is the effect of our sins? Let us ask God’s mercy and grace to be upon us so that we can be united with Christ by accepting his sufferings and death. The Gospel according to Mark; Gives the theme on Jesus’ Power and His holy name. Whatever Jesus spoke and teach reflected his holiness. Thus, even the unclean spirits are able to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is holy one of God. What brings many questions to people, it is his teachings. Unlike Scribes Jesus teaches with authority and Power. The power to command unclean spirits to be silent and come out signifies that Jesu was true God and holy one. Let us Pray for the virtue of Holiness so that our teaching and Preaching may reflect our daily life.


I Year Theology


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