Friday, January 13, 2023

Reflection for 11th January 2023

1st Reading: Heb 2:14-18

Gospel: Mk 1:29-39

In the readings of today, there are two themes that resound boldly: the call and the Mission of the Apostles. The scene presented to us today of the Healing of Simon’s mother in-Law is very close to the call narrative of the first four disciples, Peter, and his fellow fishermen, by the sea of Galilee. The disciples realized the grace God had granted them of being his followers. The miraculous catching of fish recorded in the Gospel according to Luke (5:1:11) was an eye-opener to the fishermen of the person of Jesus before them. This made them remember quickly the need they had at home and saw the answer in Jesus. They knew deep within them that this God-man can help them with their mother who was not feeling well so ‘they immediately told him about her (sickness) (Mark 1:30)

 He entered the house and ‘held’ Simon's mother-in-law by hand and she was delivered from her pain.  The cure of Simon's mother-in-law opened opportunities for others to be cured as well. The evangelist clearly puts it, “and she began to serve them”

 When we are saved when we receive graces from God how are we being responsible with them? God’s gifts are not for us only to benefit but for the whole creation, all humanity. It is enough for you and me to benefit from the gift you or I received from God. The gifts of God are for the transformation of the world.

 If St. Claret, after receiving his Apostolic missionary vocation, would have decided to keep it closed, to only work with and among his own kinsmen, within his diocese, you and I would certainly have not been here. He received the call and responded by generously sharing it with all humanity thus he says, “my spirit is for the whole world.”

 God has a personal call, gift, and charism he gave each one of us. Like the healing of Simon's mother-in-law from her fever, you and I have moments in life where we encountered the Lord and He liberated us so that we go and help others, we continue with the work of creation entrusted to us by God.

His call to this missionary life suffices for it to shine.

How far are you in making this gift fruitful?



Xavier Tinaye Moyo

I Year Theology


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