Saturday, July 1, 2023

7 Minutes Homily for 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: 2 Kings 4:8-11, 14-16a; 

Ps 89:2-3, 16-17, 18-19

Second Reading: Rom 6:3-4, 8-11

Gospel: Mt 10:37-42

A certain lady was an expert in stitching religious vestments, and she lived close to a convent. Every year she would make a special religious habit and give to one of the novices with a special request that the novice would wear the beautiful habit on the day of her first religious profession. Someone then asked her the reason why she kept on doing that every year. The humble lady answered that since her childhood she desired to become a Nun but did not make it possible due some family issues. Therefore, she set up the promise of making religious habits for sell and to offer every year to one of the novices… and then, she said to herself: even though I’m not a Nun, I’m now fulfilled because many sisters today do pray for the Church and for me, they perform acts of mercy, while wearing my habit…”.

Friends, today’s readings invite us to first reflect and make our relationship with God in whatever we do. In the first reading, we see how a woman provided hospitality to Elisha and she was rewarded for her generosity. The Psalm reminds us that the love of God lasts forever and in God’s favor we find the source of our happiness. Then St. Paul urges us to live in newness of life. And Jesus tells us through the Gospel that we must stop clinging to our own self-love in order to follow him. To be the disciple of Jesus requires self-sacrifice, service to the others as well as practice of generosity.

Brethren, Jesus promises us today that those who will be behind the hospitality welcoming others, will receive their reward. It looks good before God to see one becoming a prophet, priest, sister or a generous man/woman, but not all of us are called to embrace all these ministries. However, God in his goodness wants anyone who would like to embrace these offices, to truly have a share in them. God blesses each one of us according to what he/she partakes either as a prophet, priest, sister or a lay missionary. And so, if you are not a prophet, at least be kind to a prophet, if you feel like being incapable of holding any of these tasks, then offer service to those who are already undertaking such ministries, and you will receive the blessings of God that they themselves received. The encounter between the woman and prophet Elisha shows us therefore, how much God favors those who are kind to His servants. The woman offered food to Elisha and prepared a room to welcome him for a little rest, and as a result, God blessed her with a son in the following year, after being barren for many years. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, let us make effort to invest both spiritual and materially on the ministries of the servants of God rather than looking for faults from those who have already offered themselves for God’s service. A popular saying states: “Some give to the mission by going, others go to the mission by giving…”; Where do you belong?

Ergito Jose Xavier

II Year Theology


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