Friday, June 23, 2023

7 Minute homily for 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 1st Reading: Jer 20:10-13

2nd Reading: Rom 5:12-15

Gospel: Mt 10:26-33

“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.”

Recently on 3rd June, we celebrated our Uganda Martyrs who most of them were very young and despite this, they decided to forfeit their lives just for the sake of Christ. They were not afraid of the king who would only destroy the body but not the soul. We as Christians should emulate this.

In our First reading, God's spokesman Jeremiah is attacked and denounced from his own people. Because of his mission he is being mocked and criticized. Whenever we do good, there will always be an opposition and rejection from some members. Despite all these, Jeremiah had confidence in God and believed that his attackers will not prevail. This reading reminds us that God is with us during difficult times, though we often fail to look for and seek God at such times. St Paul also reminds us that Christ Jesus has already justified us, given us another chance to live from the sinful state. That has never been enough, Jesus has always willed to journey with us all through our difficult and joyful experiences. If Jesus had not given us a good example of how to suffer, then it would be difficult for us to understand about suffering.

Consequently, in the Gospel, Jesus always reminded his apostles to keep in mind that they are being sent as sheep among the wolves hence be ready to face any kind of persecution. However, in the midst of all the persecutions, Jesus wants his followers to be bold enough. Thus, Jesus makes an emphasis by asserting three times the phrase 'Do not be afraid,' or 'Do not fear.' Jesus calls us to boldly proclaim the Gospel message. As the world keep on growing, taking on different trends like modernization, freedom of expression among others, it becomes hard for the gospel message to be warmly welcomed without any resistance. Despite all these, we should not be afraid of any who may attempt to persecute us or who may reject the gospel message we bring to them. Our God who calls us always justifies us and walk with us in whichever steps we make. Therefore, He sees and knows all that is happening in our proclamation of the gospel message, the difficulties and the persecutions we do encounter. Since he sees all these, He will reward us for our faithfulness.

The Apostles having been first evangelized, they are now to go out publicly to proclaim the Gospel message. It is no longer a secret but should be brought out in the light. Jesus again reminds us to fear only the Lord and not man (persecutors) who can only destroy the body but not the soul. "The fear of the Lord leads to life; one will sleep at night without danger" (Prov 19:23). It is only those who endure to the end of their lives will be saved by the mercy and grace of God to an eternity of reward and blessing in the presence of God. Our fear and trust in the Lord should always make our faith lively and bold. If Jesus himself, the Apostles, the Saints, the Martyrs did it why not us?

Therefore, let us resolve today that we will act boldly enough like the martyrs and the saints who despite being subjected to tough persecutions, they choose to remain in Jesus Christ. 


II Year Theology


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