Saturday, May 6, 2023

7 Minute Homily for 5th Sunday of Easter




Today’s readings call us to be at the service of Christ. In the first reading we are informed about the reason of the choice of the first deacons, thus treasuring vocations. God’s justice and right prevail in the psalm. The second reading we hear about the holy priesthood and faith is the sole requirement in the following of Jesus as it is said in the gospel.

 Dear friends, the early church faced a threat of division whereby the widows from the Greek speaking areas were not receiving equal share on the distribution of food. This problem came to be solved by the apostles by calling all to focus on preaching and prayer and trying to share with each other what is to be shared.  This passage calls us for unity and communion with one another. As Christians we are all called to build the unity and be communion with another so we can hold each other by hand and move forward doing the will of master, the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the imperative mandate received in the Gospel of Matthew 28:19.

 This mandate which is not our own but a call received from the Lord, put us to be at the service of others. The call for service is urgent in our time especially to the refugees, the vulnerable and marginalized. In serving in the Lord vineyard, there is need for laborers as it is in Matthew 9:35-38, asking the Lord to send laborers in his vineyard. This need was seen by the apostles; thus they had to choose seven great men to come, serve and be leaders in the society so that they might make sure that equal share is offered to all in the community. The Lord Jesus now brings us words of encouragement. He tells us that we should not let our hearts be troubled and as we believe in God, we ought to believe in him. Faith takes the lead of everything. Despite having many challenges of life but we shall overcome all of them due to the faith we have in Jesus. We focus should be on the heavenly where many rooms are prepared for us. Each one us has to secure a room and go to enjoy it for the Lord says that in his Father’s house there are plenty of dwelling places.

 The only way to take us to that place is Jesus Christ for he is the way, the truth and the life. He is the fullness of God’s love so, following him, walking in his footsteps and seeking him will lead us to the Father. As a people that follows Christ, we are told to live by doing good deeds, showing love, serving and others and making God’s Love seen in us.

 Once Margaret J. said, “the greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members”. Beloved brothers and sisters, the needs that arose for the early Christian community is now our need today. They discovered their problem and solved it. Have we discovered the problem or need of our community? Are we ready to take a step ahead and find out a proper solution for the benefit of all? We are invited today to find for harmony which is lost between us and God and among us. The world is facing making troubles, wars, sicknesses, let us come together as a family and address these issues so as we might get a good solution for the betterment of all mankind.


Desire Bushiri

IV Year Theology


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